Is Keto Coffee Dangerous?

Is Keto Coffee Dangerous?

Posted by Swapna Madhuker on

Keto coffee is a more healthier option than your average breakfast, and it has the calories to match. Commonly used in intermittent fasting, keto butter coffee gives plenty of energy and a great satiated feeling throughout the morning fasting hours.

Now, to explain this further. Drinking the Bulletproof MadCoffee will break your fast from the night time, but it will ramp up your metabolism with caffeine and fats. This is to help you get through the fasting process in the 10+ hours ahead.

Personally, I drink 2 cups of this in the morning – fast all day – and eat at 9pm. If you’re only using this for breakfast, and still eating a lunch, then it’s not really intermittent fasting.

Our favorite keto cappuccino is made with a Sugar Swap's Bulletproof MadCoffee Gold. I chose it because it’s an immunity booster, filled with the goodness of turmeric & himalayan pink salt along with the MCTs.

If you’re a coffee lover, it’s definitely worth the splurge!

Best part its instant. Just blend it by adding 1 cup of hot water & a keto sweetener which is optional.

If you’re not a morning person and just want a quick and easy cup of coffee, its your best friend. Plus, you can switch up the flavors with classic, chocolate or vanilla!

I’m a huge fan of it simply for the pure convenience of them & not to forget its vegan, sugar free & gluten free too.

This Bulletproof MadCoffee recipe is a great alternative to any sugar loaded cappuccinos as well.

Main Components Keto Coffee
Coconut Oil or MCT Oil – Coconut oil technically is MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil, well about 65-80% MCT anyway. MCT oil is just more concentrated than coconut oil, but both have been shown to aid in fat loss.

Benefits of Bulletproof MadCoffee
Fat Loss. Plain and simple, the consumption of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) has been shown to lead to greater losses in adipose tissue (fat tissue), in both animals and humans.

If you’re looking for an easy, in-depth approach for the ketogenic diet, consider following on Instagram!

Eating Fat?
Do I even need to explain this one? Eating fat has been shown to lead to greater amounts of energy, more efficient energy usage, and more effective weight loss.

More Energy.
Studies have shown that the rapid rate of oxidation in MCFAs (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) leads to an increase in energy expenditure.

Primarily, MCFAs are converted into ketones (our best friends), are absorbed differently in the body compared to regular oils, and give us more overall energy.

Heart Attacks?
The myth that saturated fat increases the chance of Coronary Heart Disease has been debunked over and over. Recent studies show that saturated fats can actually have a positive effect on your overall heart health.

Check out the video recipe to make it in a jiffy. :)

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